Any individual who desires to be baptized is welcome at Pax Christi.
Current and expecting parents of infants and/or toddlers seeking the Sacrament of Baptism for their child(ren) typically attend a 60 minute workshop with some optional follow-up opportunities. Baptisms are held during or after Masses and will be scheduled through our parish office staff at a date of your choosing (pending availability).
Parents of individuals over the age of 4 are asked to contact our formation staff to discuss preparation options as they vary depending on age and maturity. Adults seeking the Sacrament of Baptism are welcome to explore RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) for further information.
When you are ready to begin the baptismal preparation process start with these steps:
New parents—you’re tired, you’re overwhelmed, you’re freaking out, and you’re completely in love. Your life will never be the same. Baptism is just the beginning of this wonderful journey. STARTING POINT (by Dynamic Catholic) equips you with the tools necessary for becoming the parents God created you to be... so that your child can become the person he or she was created to be.