“It is true that catechesis can be given anywhere, but I wish to stress, in accordance with the desire of many Bishops, that the parish community must continue to be the prime mover and pre-eminent place for catechesis”
While parents are the first and primary teachers of the faith, Pax Christi seeks to partner with and assist parents by offering catechetical/formation opportunities for children and youth in a variety of settings.
Take a look at what we have to offer, reach out to ask questions, and register.
Pathways, our children's ministry, offers different sessions of faith formation for children who are the age of 3 through 5th grade.
Waypoints, our youth ministry program, offers different sessions of faith formation and small groups for students who are in 6th through 12th grade.Children's Liturgy of the Word, Sunday Mornings During the 9 am Mass (PreK-1st Grade)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at the 9 am Mass throughout the school year. The Celebrant calls children forward after the opening prayer and dismisses them with trained catechists who guides them through the Mass readings, an activity, and prayer in a way that appeals to a child’s understanding. Children return to Mass and sit with their families just before the offering. No Registration Required.
Remaining Options Require Registration: Register Here!
Kingdom Kids, Sunday Evenings (PreK-5th Grade)
Kingdom Kids uses “Allelu!” by Our Sunday Visitor for preschool-kindergarten and “Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts” for 1st-5th grade. Both curricula integrate fundamental themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church with Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching. As children are introduced to, and revisit concepts and vocabulary from one year to the next, their knowledge and experience both broaden and deepen as they grow in faith as committed disciples of Jesus. Our time together includes hands on learning through activities such as art projects, music, church tours, and more. Students in Second Grade who enroll in Kingdom Kids typically prepare for First Penance & Reconciliation and First Eucharist as well.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Wednesday Evenings (PreK-5th Grade)
CGS uses the Montessori method of learning/formation and focuses on exploring the religious values of childhood, primarily those values of contemplation and enjoyment of God. This experience is shared in a place particularly prepared for the religious life of children called the atrium. The atrium (or prepared environment) is one of the important elements that helps the relationship between God and the child to flourish. After a theme has been presented, the child is free to choose a work that will make possible the inner dialogue with the “Good Shepherd.” The atrium can be compared to a retreat house facilitating reflection and silence. Students typically prepare for First Reconciliation and First Communion in Second Grade. We will begin at 4:00 or 6:30pm with sessions being 90 minutes each.
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Preparation
Typically preparation for these two sacraments takes place during a students time in 2nd grade. Families have three options to choose from to prepare for these sacraments. 1) Kingdom Kids, 2) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and 3) Rochester Catholic Schools. Enrolling in any of the three in 2nd grade will set your child on the path towards receiving these sacraments. If your child is older and hasn't yet received his/her first sacraments then we ask that you contact our staff and we will come up with a plan together.
Edge Small Groups, Sun or Wed Evenings (6th - 8th Grade)
Edge is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program by Life Teen that provides a fun and safe place for youth to find solid Catholic community, get answers to their questions about faith, and experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Edge resources speak to the physical, psychological, cognitive, relational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth. Our Edge Small Groups continue to cultivate disciples by building a foundation for the sacrament of Confirmation which students will intensely prepare for in grades nine and ten.
Confirmation Preparation, Sun or Wed Evenings (typically 9th & 10th Grade)
Confirmation preparation at Pax Christi is a two year process, beginning typically in 9th grade and culminating with the reception of the Sacrament in 10th grade. We primarily utilize small groups which are made up of friends and peers led by adult and peer leaders. Students and leaders remain in the same small group for two years to build trust and deep relationships with one another. Students in Confirmation preparation will learn about the faith, explore vocation, and make a commitment of their lives to the Gospel and an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ as his disciple.
High School Small Group - Wed Evenings, Student Leadership - Sun Evenings
Once students have received the Sacrament of Confirmation they are invited to continue their lifelong discipleship journey in a small group made up of peers on Wednesday nights. Topics covered at these small groups are guided by the students and usually relate to how we, as Catholics, can engage the world around us in a faithful and fruitful way. We also provide opportunities for leadership. We love to have student leaders in our small groups on Sundays, this is a great way to live out one’s call to discipleship and lifelong relationship with Jesus.