About Solid Foundations
Solid Foundations is a prayer and fundraising initiative dedicated to supporting Pax Christi's youth. We aim to form disciples who deeply love Jesus Christ and His Church while inspiring greater involvement through prayer and stewardship. Donations help offset costs for transformative trips where students encounter Christ and share His love with the world.
Efforts Solid Foundations assists with include:
The more volunteers involved the better. There is always a place for you, no matter how "unqualified" you might feel. Contact our youth ministry staff for more information.
If we are going to be about the work of Christ we need to be grounded in his Father's will. Prayer is the means by which we can come to understand God's plan for us. Please keep Youth Ministry, our staff, volunteers, and most importantly our students and families in your prayers.
Maybe you just can't stretch out your time any thinner than it already is, but you still want to support Youth Ministry... We have just the thing for you. We love gift card donations to places such as: St. James Coffee; Panera; Chipotle; Noodles & Co.; Target; Best Buy; Dominos Pizza; Broadway Pizza; and any other places you think we might enjoy. Monetary gifts are always welcome! And, finally, are always looking for items that might assist in carrying out our mission. Please contact the Youth Ministry Staff with any questions you might have about donations.
(Note: due to limited space in the Youth Center we do not accept furniture or game tables. If you have these items we suggest donating them to places such as Good Will, The Salvation Army, Bridging, or any other community organization with collection services).